Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 Characteristics, This grade of oxidized bitumen also known as Blown Asphalt, is a type of bitumen that has been treated by blowing air through it at elevated temperatures, which alters its physical and chemical properties. Here are the key characteristics of Oxidized Bitumen 115/15:

1. Softening Point
Softening Point: The softening point of Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 is typically around 115°C. This is the temperature at which the bitumen softens enough to allow a specific amount of penetration.
2. Penetration
Penetration: The penetration value of Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 is usually around 15 dmm (decimillimeters). This indicates its hardness; the lower the penetration value, the harder the bitumen.
3. Thermal Stability
High Thermal Stability: Due to the oxidation process, Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 has excellent resistance to temperature variations. It remains stable and does not flow easily at high temperatures, making it ideal for hot climates.
4. Water Resistance
Water Resistance: Oxidized Bitumen is highly resistant to water, making it suitable for waterproofing applications. It prevents water penetration and provides a protective barrier.
5. Oxidation Resistance
Oxidation Resistance: The oxidation process increases the bitumen’s resistance to further oxidation, which prolongs its lifespan and maintains its properties over time.
6. Flexibility
Flexibility: While harder than regular bitumen, Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 maintains a certain degree of flexibility, allowing it to accommodate minor movements without cracking.
7. Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance: Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 exhibits good resistance to chemicals, acids, and salts, making it suitable for use in harsh environments.
8. Adhesion Properties
Adhesion: It has strong adhesive properties, which makes it effective in binding materials together in various applications such as roofing, road construction, and industrial uses.
9. Durability
Durability: The product is known for its long-lasting performance, with resistance to aging and environmental factors, making it a reliable material for long-term applications.
10. Applications
Common Uses: Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 is widely used in roofing felt, waterproofing, pipe coating, electrical insulation, joint filler, and in the production of paints and varnishes.
These characteristics make Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 a versatile and durable material for various industrial and construction applications.