Asia Bitumen refinery would be one of the main manufacturer of PG Bitumen in the middle east. we are supplying PG bitumen to many countries in big quantities.

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Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen is a classification system for asphalt binder materials that was developed under the Superpave (Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements) system. Unlike older classification systems that rely on penetration or viscosity, PG bitumen is graded based on its performance in different temperatures and loading conditions.

Key Features of Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen:
Temperature Range: PG bitumen is specified by two numbers, such as PG 64-22. The first number (64 in this case) represents the maximum temperature (in degrees Celsius) at which the binder is expected to perform well without becoming too soft. The second number (-22) indicates the minimum temperature at which the binder remains elastic and doesn’t become brittle.
Testing Parameters:
High-Temperature Performance: This is related to the resistance of the bitumen to rutting (permanent deformation) in hot conditions.
Low-Temperature Performance: This measures the ability of the bitumen to resist cracking in cold conditions.
Application: PG bitumen grades are chosen based on the climatic conditions of the area where they will be used. For instance, a region with very hot summers and cold winters might require a binder with a wide temperature range, like PG 70-28.
Durability: PG bitumen is designed to last longer by maintaining its properties under varying environmental conditions, which helps reduce maintenance costs and improve pavement lifespan.
Superpave System: PG bitumen is a key component of the Superpave system, which provides guidelines on selecting and designing asphalt mixtures to meet specific performance criteria.
Selection Criteria:
Climate: The primary factor in choosing a PG grade is the local climate, particularly the temperature extremes the pavement will face.
Traffic Load: In areas with heavy traffic, a higher grade might be necessary to ensure durability under increased stress.
This grading system helps in the precise selection of bitumen, ensuring that the asphalt performs well under the specific conditions it will face, leading to better and longer-lasting pavements.


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